Customer focus
Lerøy is a customer-oriented business and our success is contingent upon the success of our customers. We shall focus on growth in new and existing markets, based on forward-looking and innovative solutions and alliances that can provide profitability and increased market share. The company shall play a leading role within product development in order to ensure customer satisfaction and, as a result, profitability.
Efficient and creative value chain and alliances
Values are created in value chains and in businesses in value chains that form a network and competitive processes for their customers. Lerøy aims to create the world’s most efficient and sustainable value chain for seafood. This shall be achieved by continuously developing processes and improving the Group's core operations, as well as further developing long-term, binding alliances with both suppliers and customers.
For Lerøy, developments shall be based on a perspective of perpetuality. To achieve this, the Board of Directors, management and employees must maintain a high focus on sustainability. Through continuous processes, improved routines and climate cuts throughout the value chain, we will continue to work to achieve our vision of becoming the most sustainable supplier of quality seafood.
Attractive employer
We shall be a leading player in a global industry in which the changes in framework conditions require flexible employees who are dynamic and willing to learn. We aim to attract, retain and develop our talented employees by offering formal and informal courses and training, by encouraging an increase in internal mobility and by allowing employees to explore in-house career opportunities.
The managerial role at Lerøy
Appointment to a managerial position at Lerøy is a declaration of trust and carries significant responsibilities. All managers shall represent the Group's values and act as positive ambassadors for Lerøy. We are confident that all our managers will lead the way as positive role models, complying with Lerøy's management standards, which are based on the Group's values: honest, open, responsible and creative.
Strategic business development
The Group has previously made substantial acquisitions, and the main focus in the years to come will be the further development and optimisation of the current organization. Strategic business development will also play a decisive role in future developments for the Group.
Risk management
We shall continue to develop operating systems for identifying risks in order to avoid imbalances between commercial risks and the profitability requirement. The Group’s risk profile and its strategies for value creation shall be reconciled with the Group’s available resources.
Continuous improvements
We continue to develop by means of constant improvements to our processes and value chain. Our success will be determined by and made visible in our ability to create added value for our customers. Our results can be measured in relation to stability of operations and raw material supply, and in relation to economic, environmental and social sustainability. We shall continue to focus on the right level of quality, food safety, traceability and service. The pioneering spirit and innovations at Lerøy shall continue to develop.