
Corporate governance

Reporting on corporate governance
In this chapter, the Board of Directors of Lerøy Seafood Group will provide a description of Corporate Governance within the Group. The Board of Directors is of the opinion that proper, clear corporate governance is decisive in sustaining and strengthening confidence in the company and contributing to optimal value creation over time.

The Group’s Corporate Governance is based on the Norwegian Code of Practice for Corporate Governance (NUES), dated 17 October 2018, see also The NUES Code of Practice is based on the Norwegian Accounting Act and comply with Norwegian legislation relating to public limited companies, stock exchange and securities , as well as the Stock Exchange Rules, as in force at 1st October 2018. The Code of Practice includes provisions and guidance that in part elaborate on existing legislation and in part covers areas not addressed by legislation. This chapter has the same structure as the NUES code, and all items in the Code are included. Any differences are explained.

1. Reporting on corporate governance

The Board of Directors underlines the importance of of having a sound corporate governance, with a clearly-defined division of roles and responsibliites between the shareholders, the Board of Directors and the management in Lerøy Seafood Group ASA ("LSG"). The goal for Lerøy Seafood Group ASA is for all parts of the Group’s value chain to operate and achieve growth and development according to the Group’s strategy for long-term and sustainable value creation over time for shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers and society at large.

The company's basic corporate values
Lerøy Seafood Group's basic corporate values - honest, open, responsible and creative - are based on the Group's vision to create the world's leading and most profitable global supplier of sustainable quality seafood. The Group's core activities comprise a vertically integrated value chain for the production of salmon and trout, wild-caught fisheries of whitefish, processing of seafood, purchasing, sales and marketing of seafood, distribution of seafood, product development and development of strategic markets. The Group emphasizes quality and sustainability in all parts of the value chain, in order to ensure that we are successful in achieving our goals.

2. Activities

According to Lerøy Seafood Group's Articles of Association, the purposes of the company are as follows:: Fisheries, fish farming, processing, sale and distribution within the seafood industry and related industries and operations. Such activities may be performed either directly or via participation in other companies with similar or equivalent objectives, and all activities related thereto.” The parent company’s Articles of Association reflect the totality of the Group's value chain and core business. The Group's goals and main strategies are described in total in the Group's annual report (go to, and can be summarised as follows:

“The Group's core business is the production of salmon and trout, Wild-caught fisheries of whitefish, processing, product development, marketing, sale and distribution of seafood.”

The Board of Directors have a clearly defined goal for the company to create value for its shareholders, employees and other stakeholders. Both short and long-term goals are established together with the corporate management, in addition to strategies that reflect the company's risk profile.

Ethical code of conduct and guidelines for corporate social responsibility at Lerøy Seafood Group ASA
The Group takes a very conscious approach to its responsibility regarding ethical code of conduct, society at large and the environment. In addition to the Group's common values, Lerøy Seafood Group has prepared a set of ethical guidelines for Group employees, aiming to establish common principles and regulations which govern all employees within Lerøy Seafood Group ASA, its subsidiaries and partners. The Group's ethical code of conduct reflects the values represented by the Group and guides the employees and other stakeholders as to the use of the correct principles for human rights, business conduct, impartiality, conflicts of interest, political activity, entertaining customers, processing information, duty of confidentiality, relationships with colleagues, business partners, corruption, whistle-blowing, bribes etc. Knowledge of and compliance with the Code of Conduct is mandatory for all employees. The Group has prepared an Ethics Test for employees which will help them make the right decisions.

The Group's core business is the production of salmon and trout, catches of whitefish, processing, product development, marketing, sale and distribution of seafood.

Lerøy Seafood Group has a general rule that the Group, along with all business partners, are subject to the corresponding authorities in the country in question, and the company's own/Lerøy Seafood Group's quality systems and procedures. The Group has a principal rule that the strictest requirements shall be met. The corporate management is responsible for ensuring compliance with the regulations.

The company maintains a focus on employee rights in relation to both conditions and environment at the workplace. All employees shall have orderly working conditions, comprising a specific employment contract, correct salary, sufficient training, follow-up throughout employment and the right to organise. The company focuses on equal rights for women and men and has in recent years witnessed an increase in the number of female employees in the Group.

The Group's goal is to contribute positively and constructively to improving human rights, prevention of child labour, labour rights and environmental protection, both within the Group, in relation to suppliers and subcontractors and in relation to trading partners. The company’s code of conduct is incorporated into agreements with the Group's suppliers and subcontractors.

The Group has established a system for anonymous whistleblowing via a third-party company, for employees who wish to report censurable conditions. In the event of nonconformities, measures shall be implemented to improve the situation. A whistleblowing committee has been established and covers the entire Group. The committee processes cases and implements necessary measures.

As a part of the Group's integrated reports, the annual report contains a list of focus areas, measurement indicators and goals related to the environment, social and financial sustainability.

Lerøy's goal is to operate and to further develop develop all parts of the value chain and a long term focus on value creation for shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers and society in general.

3. Equity and dividends

Dividend policy
The Board of Directors of Lerøy Seafood Group emphasises the importance of the company having a clear and predictable dividend policy adapted to the company's goals, strategy and risk profile. Distributed dividends should develop in line with the company’s financial strength, growth and profit performance.
The company’s dividend policy implies that, over time, dividends should comprise 30% to 40% of profit after tax. However, care must be taken at all times to ensure that the Group has a strong balance sheet to able to conduct any new and profitable investments. The goal is for financial value creation in the long term should come in the form of higher share prices rather than in declared dividends. The Board of Directors is of the opinion that the distribution of dividends in previous years reflects the Group's dividend policy (ref. note 20).

Dividend payment in 2021
The Board of Directors has recommended a dividend of NOK 2.00 per share in 2021. In 2020, based on the increased uncertainties involving COVID-19 restrictions, the Board of Directors proposed to the annual general meeting a dividend payment of NOK 1.50 per share in 2020. The Board of Directors was also mandated to pay an additional dividend of up to NOK 0.80 per share by the end of 2020. The annual general meeting adopted this proposal, and a dividend of NOK 1.50 per share was paid in June 2020. The Board decided not to exercise its additional mandate for NOK 0.80 per share, but reported that the recommendation for the dividend payment in 2021 will reflect this. Payment of the dividend is submitted for adoption at the company’s annual general meeting.

Equity and financial goals
The Group is financially sound with book equity of NOK 17,632,769 million as of 31 December 2020, which corresponds to an equity ratio of 58.5 %. The number of shares outstanding in the company at 31 December 2019 is 595,773,680. All shares carry the same rights in the company. As of 31 December 2020, the company owned 297,760 treasury shares.

On-going structural changes in the global industry in which the company operates, seen in conjunction with the cyclical nature of the industry, demand that the company at all times must maintain a satisfactory financial contingency. This in turn requires a close relationship with the company’s shareholders and equity capital markets. The company has always stressed the importance of maintaining the confidence of its financial partners and thus also access to necessary loan capital on favourable terms. The financial goals established by the Board and management are reflected in an established solvency requirement and a required rate of return. The capital adequacy requirement stipulates that the Group’s equity ratio shall be at least 30% over time. The Group’s long-term goal for earnings is to maintain an annual return on the Group’s average capital employed of 18% before tax.

Mandates granted to the Board of Directors
Mandates are granted to the Board of Directors in accordance with the Public Limited Companies Act (Norway), see in particular chapters 9 and 10 of the Act.

Mandate for the Board to repurchase own shares
In order to have the flexibility in the management of capital, the Board was authorised for the first time to buy-back own shares by the annual general meeting on 12 May 2000. The mandate was recently renewed at the annual general meeting on 27 May 2020 and authorises the acquisition of up to 50,000,000 shares over a period of 18 months from the date on which the resolution was adopted.

The Board of Directors is of the opinion that the Board should have the option to buy-back own shares. Situations may emerge in the future where the Board of Directors believe that the market price of the company's shares are undervalued, as the company has sound equity and liquidity, and the Board of Directors decides that buying back own shares is an attractive prospect. In such a situation, the buying back own shares may increase the return for the company's investors. At the same time, the stock market generally views buy-back of own shares as positive based on the signals this sends regarding the management’s confidence in the company’s outlook for the future. Moreover, the Board of Directors feels that a holding bought back shares will provide the Board with more leeway in connection with growth through future mergers and acquisitions and establishing new forms of cooperation.

The number of shareholders in Lerøy Seafood Group increased from 10,520 to 15,227 in 2020.

Any bought back shares could also be utilised in connection with a possible establishment of a share savings programme for Group employees.
A proposal will therefore be submitted to renew the mandate at the annual general meeting on 26 May 2021.

Mandate to increase share capital by issuing shares for private placings to external investors, employees and individual shareholders in Lerøy Seafood Group ASA
The Board has a mandate to increase the share capital by up to NOK 5,000,000 by issuing up to 50,000,000 shares in Lerøy Seafood Group ASA, each with a face value of NOK 0.10, through one or more private placings to the company’s shareholders and/or external investors. This type of mandate was first established by the annual general meeting on 4 May 1999 and subsequently renewed by the annual general meeting on 27 May 2020. The Board of Directors exercised this mandate first time on 2 June 2016 and carried out a private placement of 5,000,000 new shares at a face value of NOK 1.00 in addition to the sale of 300,000 treasury shares. The Board of Directors feels it is appropriate to retain this mandate, including authorisation for the Board to deviate from the preference rights of the shareholders. The Group expects to see continued structural changes and internationalisation in its industry. As a result, Lerøy Seafood Group ASA will continuously assess organic growth, possible share saving programmes for employees, possible mergers and aquisitions alternatives and/or possible alliances that may lay the foundations for future profitable growth, both to capitalise on the value already created and to achieve a solid position for future value creation.

The mandate will allow the company to achieve the requisite financial leeway to rapidly obtain the necessary liquidity and/or settlement shares that the Board feels are necessary to ensure future profitable growth. A proposal will therefore be made to establish a new corresponding mandate at the annual general meeting on 26 May 2021. The Board’s mandate is valid for a period exceeding one year and is not limited to specifically defined objectives as recommended by the NUES. This is principally for operational reasons, but also in order to clearly show that the company is growth-oriented and that shares are regarded as potential means of payment. This practice is established to ensure that the Group is strategically optimized for further potential business development. The Group has established the practice of having the mandates renewed annually at each annual general meeting.


4. Equal treatment of shareholders and transactions with related parties

The company has only one class of shares and each share carries one vote at the annual general meeting. Shareholders’ rights are governed by the Public Limited Companies Act (Norway), see in particular chapter 4 of the Act. Lerøy Seafood Group's Articles of Association and agreements are all worded to ensure equal treatment of shareholders.

Equal treatment of shareholders and transactions with close associates
Lerøy Seafood Group ASA has a strict policy of providing correct and open information to shareholders, potential shareholders and other stakeholders.

No immaterial transactions between the company and shareholders, a shareholder’s parent company, members of the Board of Directors, executive personnel or close associates of any such parties
Should such transactions occur, they are documented and executed according to the arm's length principle. The company has prepared guidelines to ensure notification by board members and executive personnel to the Board of Directors of any significant interest in an agreement signed by the company. If enterprises with associations to board members perform work for Lerøy Seafood Group ASA’s Board of Directors, the question of independence is treated specifically by the Board.

5. Shares and negotiability

According to the company's Articles of Association, there are no restrictions on the negotiability of Lerøy Seafood Group's shares.

6. Annual general meeting

Lerøy Seafood Group holds its annual general meeting in May each year. Notices of the annual general meeting and organisation of the meeting comply with an established practice followed by Lerøy Seafood Group ASA for many years.

Notice of and holding Annual General Meeting
Lerøy Seafood Group ASA held its annual general meeting in the company's head office at Lanternen, Thormøhlensgate 51 B in Bergen on 27 May 2020. The notice of the meeting with a proposed agenda, meeting slip and proxy form were distributed to all shareholders with a registered address three weeks prior to the date of the general meeting. The notice of the general meeting was compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Public Companies Act in Norway and the regulation relating to general meetings which governs the content and availability of supporting information. Pursuant to the company's Articles of Association, all documents to be discussed at the general meeting were made available on the company's website – www.leroyseafood. com three weeks prior to the date of the general meeting.

The supporting information was sufficiently detailed and precise to allow the shareholders to form a view on all matters to be considered at the meeting. With the uncertainties relating to COVID-19, the board members were encouraged to use a proxy form and not attend the annual general meeting in person. The members were asked to register for the annual general meeting by 22 May 2021 at 16.00. Prior to distribution of the notice of the general meeting, the Board of Directors and meeting chairperson had performed a quality control of the procedures for registration and voting, and the proxy form for participation and voting on behalf of other shareholders.

The Chairman of the Board represented the Board of Directors at the general meeting. In addition, the CEO and other members of the corporate management were present. On agreement with the Chairperson of the nomination committee, the Chairman of the Board presented the committee's recommendation.

Independent chairing of the general meeting is ensured in that the general meeting appoints a chairperson for the meeting and one person to co-sign the minutes of the meeting.

Participation by proxy
The Public Companies Act in Norway and the regulation relating to general meetings allows for several methods whereby shareholders can participate in and vote at the general meeting, without actually being present. In the notice of the general meeting, Lerøy Seafood Group has allowed shareholders to vote by proxy at the general meeting. The proxy is designed so as to permit votes to be cast for each individual item discussed, and for candidates up for election. The company has procedures which ensure full control and overview of participation and voting at general meetings. The company publishes the signed set of minutes immediately after the general meeting has been closed.

No extraordinary general meetings were held in 2020.

At general meetings, the Board of Directors is normally represented by the Chairman of the Board, who also represents the majority shareholder in LSG. Due to the fact that the capacity for other shareholders to physically participate at general meetings is very limited, it has not been deemed necessary for all board members to take part in the general meeting.

7. Nomination committee

Pursuant to Article 5, paragraph 2 of the company’s Articles of Association, the company shall have a nomination committee comprising three members elected by the annual general meeting for a period of two years. The company’s nomination committee is charged with preparing proposals for the composition of a shareholder-elected board of directors and to submit recommendations to the annual general meeting for appointments to the board.

At present, the members of the nomination committee are Helge Møgster (Chairman), Benedicte Schilbred Fasmer and Aksel Linchausen. The company has not established specific guidelines for the Nomination Committee. However, the composition of the Nomination Committee is such that the interests of the shareholders in general are taken into account in that the majority within the committee is independent of the Board and other executive personnel, and that the company’s Articles of Association also specify the framework for the work of the Committee.

The nomination committee makes a recommendation regarding remuneration to the members of the board. The general meeting makes the final decision regarding fees to be paid to the members of the company's board and nomination committee.

Information on the members of the Nomination Committee is published at The nomination committee will be facilitated the ability to the shareholders, the board members and the CEO when working on the recommendation of candidates. In addition, shareholders are permitted to recommend candidates to the committee.

The justified recommendation of the nomination committee is included in the supporting documentation for the annual general meeting, which is published within the 21-day deadline for notice of the general meeting.

8. Board of Directors, composition and independence

In its central position between owners and management, it is the Board of Directors’ function to safeguard the shareholders’ interests on a parallel with the company’s need for strategic governance, operational control and diversity. The function and focus of the Board will always vary somewhat depending on circumstances within the company and on developments in external framework conditions.

The transformation of the Lerøy Group from a family company to a listed public limited company has been guided by the owners’ clear awareness of the type of Board the company needs. Since the early 1990s, the majority of the board members have been independent of the Group’s management team in order to protect the Board’s ability to challenge management practices. In part because of the Board’s composition (size and independence from management and main owners, etc.), it has to date been deemed unnecessary to establish so-called board committees, with the exception of the statutory requirement for an audit committee.

Pursuant to the Norwegian Public Companies Act, the Chief Executive Officer is not permitted to be a board member. The Norwegian Code of Practice is also very clear in its recommendation that neither the CEO nor other executive personnel in the company should be board members. In Lerøy Seafood Group ASA, neither the CEO nor other executive personnel are members of the Board of Directors.

Nomination period and term of office
Both the Chairman of the Board and other board members are elected for a period of two years at a time. The nomination committee submits its recommendation to the general meeting, which appoints the Chairman of the Board and other board members.

The Group structure, with independent entities in different regions, is supervised through participation by Group management in the administrative bodies of the various companies. The employees contribute to a positive development in operations as members of the board in the subsidiaries. The Board has not elected a Vice Chairman To date, the Chairman of the Board has always been present. In case of his absence, the Board will make satisfactory arrangements for chairing the meeting.

Encouraging the board members to own shares in the company
The majority of board members in Lerøy Seafood Group ASA own shares in the company, either directly or indirectly.

9. The work of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors has the ultimate responsibility for company management. This involves supervising day-to- day management and activities in general. The board’s responsibility for the management of the company includes responsibility for ensuring that the activities are soundly organised, drawing up plans and budgets for the activities of the company, keeping itself informed of the company’s financial position and ensuring that its activities, accounts and asset management are subject to adequate control. The main aim is to ensure continuous follow-up and further development of the company. For several years, as well as in its 10 meetings in 2020, the Board has maintained a particular focus on the connection between practical operations and strategic business development. The Board works purposefully together with the company management to make the Group the most sustainable, profitable, fully integrated and international seafood company possible. This work has for a considerable time been carried out in accordance with our public announcements. The Board’s work reflects this strategy, and the results are shown through management implementation. Although the strategic development of the company is a continuous process and part of the work of the Board of Directors, the company also holds strategy meetings. Strategy meetings were held in 2020.

Instructions for the Board of Directors and management
A set of instructions has been prepared for the work of the Board of Directors. The scope of the work of the CEO is laid down in a separate set of instructions and in close dialogue with the company’s Chairman of the Board.

Independent consideration of matters of a material character in which the Chairman of the Board, board members or executive personnel are actively involved.
The Chairman of the Board or other board members shall not process matters that are of significance for their own interests or the personal interests of close associates. Such matters are dealt with by the other board members. The same applies to matters in which the CEO or other executive
personnel have a personal interest. One matter of such material character was considered in 2020.

Board committees

Audit committee
Pursuant to section 6-41 (1) of the Norwegian Public Companies Act,
companies listed on the Stock Exchange are obliged to establish an audit committee which prepares business for and submits recommendations to the Board of Directors. Lerøy Seafood Group ASA's audit committee consists of Britt Kathrine Drivenes and Didrik Munch (chairperson). The audit committee reports to the Chairman of the Board. The audit committee conducts quality assurance of internal control and financial reporting. It is also responsible for the Board of Directors' dialogue with and monitoring of the external auditor. The auditor reports on his work in writing to the company administration and the Board through the audit committee. The company does not have a so-called remuneration committee.

Evaluation of the Board’s work
When recruiting board members, the company’s owners follow a long-standing strategy of assessing the company’s need for varied competency, continuity, renewal and changes in ownership structure. It will always be in the company’s interest to ensure that the composition of the Board varies in line with the demands and expectations made on the Group. The Board’s evaluation of its own performance and of Group management must of necessity be seen in conjunction with the Group’s performance. To date, the Board has not issued reports on its evaluation of its own work; this is a conscious priority decision and must be viewed in connection with other announcements in the company’s communications to the public. Moreover, external evaluations of the Board’s work are probably the most influential and are likely to remain so in the future.

10. Risk management and internal control

The Group’s activities are varied, depending on each entity’s position in the value chain, and consequently require differentiated forms of management and follow-up. Good internal management systems are essential for success, and these must be continuously developed in order to accommodate fluctuating conditions. The Group’s regional structure with independent entities, also in respect of short- term reporting, facilitates good control and a powerful focus. Internal control is based on daily and weekly reports that are summarised into monthly reports tailored to the individual company, and at Group level. There is an emphasis on developing uniform reporting procedures and formats in order to ensure correct reporting from all entities and up to an aggregate level.

As Lerøy Seafood Group is an international seafood corporation with decentralised operations and a significant volume of biological production, the company is exposed to a number of risk factors. The Board of Directors therefore works hard to ensure that the Group implements all measures required to control risk, to limit individual risk and to keep risk as a whole within acceptable constraints. Please refer to the chapter on Risk Management in the Board of Directors’ report for information on how the Group manages risk exposure.

Review by the Board of Directors
A significant share of the work of the Board of Directors is ensuring that the company management is familiar with and understands the Group's risk areas and that risk is managed by means of appropriate internal control. Frequent evaluations and assessments are conducted of both the management's and Board's understanding of risk and internal control. The audit committee plays an important role in these evaluations and assessments.

“At the very core of the Group's internal control are factors such as employees’ expertise, qualities, ethical values and the working environment”

Description of the main elements of risk management and internal control related to financial reports
Internal control within the Group is based on the recommen- dation from the "Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commissions" (COSO), and covers control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication, and monitoring. The main purpose of the COSO framework is to identify, evaluate and manage the company's risk in an efficient and appropriate manner. The content of these different elements is described in detail below.

Control environment
The core of an enterprise is the employees' individual skills, ethical values and competence, in addition to the environment in which they work.

Guidelines for financial reporting
On behalf of the CFO, the Chief Accountant for the Group provides guidelines to entities within the Group. These guidelines place requirements on both the content of and process for financial reporting.

Organisation and responsibility
The Chief Accountant for the Group reports to the CFO and is responsible for areas such as financial reporting, budgets and internal control of financial reporting within the Group. The Directors of the reporting entities are responsible for continuous financial monitoring and reporting. The entities all have management groups and financial functions which are adapted to their organisation and business. The entity managers shall ensure implementation of appropriate and efficient internal control and are responsible for compliance with requirements.

The audit committee shall monitor the process of financial reporting and ensure that the Group's internal control and risk management systems function efficiently. The audit committee shall also ensure that the Group has an independent and efficient external auditor.

The financial statements for all companies in the Group are audited by an external auditor, within the framework established in international standards for auditing and quality control.

Risk assessment
The Chief Accountant for the Group and the CFO identify, assess and monitor the risk of errors in the Group's financial reports, together with the managers of each entity.

Control activities
Reporting entities are responsible for the implementation of sufficient control actions in order to prevent errors in the financial reports.

Processes and control measures have been established to ensure quality assurance of financial reports. These measures comprise mandates, division of work, reconciliation/ documentation, IT controls, analyses, management reviews and Board representation within subsidiaries.

The Chief Accountant for the Group provides guidelines for financial reporting to the different Group entities. The Chief Accountant for the Group ensures that reporting takes place in accordance with prevailing legislation, accounting standards, established accounting principles and the Board's guidelines.

Managers in Lerøy represent the Group's values and are external ambassadors for the company.

The Chief Accountant and the CFO continuously assess the Group's and the entities' financial reports. Analyses are carried out in relation to previous periods, between different entities and in relation to other companies within the same industry.

Review by the Group management
The Group management has regular meetings to discuss issues such as monthly financial reports, including the development in figures in profit/loss and the statement of financial position.

Reviews by the audit committee, Board and annual general meeting
The audit committee and Board review the Group's financial reports on a quarterly basis. During such reviews, the audit committee has discussions with the management and external auditor. At least once a year, the Board holds a meeting with the external auditor, without the presence of the administration.

The Board reviews the interim accounts per quarter and the proposal for the financial statements. The financial statements are adopted by the annual general meeting.

Information and communication
The Group strongly emphasises correct and open information to shareholders, potential shareholders and other stakeholders. Item 13, "Information and communication" contains more detail on information and communication.

Follow-up of reporting entities
Those persons responsible for entities which issue reports shall ensure appropriate and efficient internal control in accordance with requirements, and are responsible for compliance with such requirements.

Group level
The Chief Accountant and CFO review the financial reports issued by the entities and the Group, and assess any errors, omissions and required improvements.

External auditor
The external auditor shall provide the audit committee with a description of the main elements of the audit from the previous financial year, in particular significant weak points identified during internal control related to the process of financial reporting.

The Board of Directors
The Board, represented by the audit committee, monitors the process of financial reporting.

11. Remuneration of the Board of Directors

Board remuneration is not performance based. The Board members elected by the shareholders have no share options. If enterprises that board members are associated with perform work for the company’s Board, the question of independence is treated specifically by the Board. Remuneration of the Chairman of the Board and other board members is recommended by the nomination committee and adopted by the general meeting. The annual general meeting on 27 May 2020 adopted annual remuneration of the Board of Directors as follows:
> Chairman of the Board NOK 400,000
> Other board members NOK 250,000

However, no remuneration is paid to the Chairman of the Board that represents a duty to report. Lerøy Seafood Group ASA is invoiced for the services of the Chairman, and for consultancy fees related to the role as working Chairman of the Board from the Group’s leading company, Laco AS, where the Chairman of the Board is an employee. The Chairman of the Board's additional tasks are based on his detailed knowledge of both the Group and the industry.

It is recommended that remuneration for any additional work carried out by members of the Board of Directors' sub-committees be paid separately in addition to the basic fees for board members of NOK 50,000 per year.

Annual remuneration of the members of the nomination committee totalled NOK 35,000 per member.

12. Remuneration of executive personnel

This item is referred to in the chapter regarding the Board of Directors’ Statement on salary and other remuneration of executive personnel.
The general meeting will vote individually on the recommended guidelines and the binding guidelines.

13. Information and communication

Lerøy Seafood Group ASA has a strict policy of providing correct and open information to shareholders, potential shareholders and other stakeholders. Timely, relevant, consistent and current information is the basis upon which all interested parties will assess the value of the company’s shares. The company’s most important medium for distributing information is the Oslo Stock Exchange reporting system, but the company will also hold presentations for investors and analysts. Lerøy Seafood Group keeps its shareholders informed via the Board of Directors’ report, interim reports and at appropriate presentations. In addition, press releases are sent out regarding important events on the company’s markets, or about other relevant circumstances.

Every year, Lerøy Seafood Group ASA publishes the company's financial calendar, showing the dates for presentation of the interim financial statements and the date of the annual general meeting. The date for payment of dividends is decided by the company's annual general meeting.

The company's website – – is updated constantly with information distributed to shareholders. No specific guidelines have been compiled for the company’s contact with shareholders outside the general meeting. This is due to the fact that the current integrated practice within this area is deemed satisfactory.

The Group strongly emphasises correct and open information to shareholders, potential shareholders and other stakeholders. Information shall be timely, relevant, consistent and current.

14. Take-overs.

Lerøy Seafood Group ASA has no restrictions in its Articles of Association regarding company take-overs. As of 3 June 2002, the shares in Lerøy Seafood Group ASA have been quoted on the main listing of the Oslo Stock Exchange and are freely negotiable within the provisions of Norwegian law. The company has only one class of shares and each share carries one vote at the annual general meeting.

If a take-over bid is made for the company, the Board of Directors will make a statement prior to the expiry of the bid. The Board of Director's statement will also include a recommendation as to whether the shareholders should accept the bid or not. The Board of Directors will emphasise equal treatment of the shareholders and no unnecessary disturbance of the company's operations.

15. Auditor

Auditing – annual plan
For a number of years, Lerøy Seafood Group ASA has engaged the services of PwC as Group auditor. The company's auditor follows an auditing plan which has been reviewed in advance together with the audit committee and management. The auditor and audit committee perform an annual audit of the company’s internal control, including identified weak points and recommended improvements. The Board is informed of the general nature of the services the administration buys from the auditor.

Treatment of the financial statements
The auditor holds meetings with the audit committee and management subsequent to the interim audit and in connection with the company's presentation of interim reports for the fourth quarter. The auditor attends board meetings where the financial statements are to be approved, and also holds a meeting on the subject of the annual report with the Board of Directors, at which the management does not attend. During these meetings, the auditor reviews any significant changes in the company’s accounting policies, evaluations of significant accounting estimates and all significant factors on which the auditor and management disagree. To date, there has been no such disagreement on any factors.

Auditor – other services
The auditor prepares a written confirmation of independence for the audit committee, with written disclosure to the audit committee of all other services provided in addition to mandatory auditing. The auditing company utilised is a large company and practices internal rotation, in compliance with the requirement for independence.

Moreover, the auditor is available for questions and comments to the financial statements and other matters at the Board’s discretion.

Remuneration of the auditor
Invoiced fees from the auditor are presented in a separate note to the financial statements. The company's annual general meeting is also notified of remuneration of the auditor.

Specific guidelines for the management’s permission to make use of an auditor for other services than auditing are being prepared. Until these have been completed, the audit committee is continuously informed of the main aspects of the services purchased by the management from the auditor.


Presentation of the Board of Directors

Chairman of the Board, Helge Singelstad (1963)
was elected to the Group Board of Directors by the extraordinary general meeting on 26 November 2009. Helge Singelstad holds a degree in computer engineering, a degree in Business Administration from the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) and took a foundation course in law at the University of Bergen. Helge Singelstad has previously held positions as CEO, Vice CEO and CFO of Lerøy Seafood Group ASA. Consequently, he has broad knowledge of the Group and the industry. Helge Singelstad is Chairman of the Board of Austevoll Seafood ASA and Vice Chairman of the Board of DOF ASA. He is the Managing Director of Laco AS. Laco AS is the majority shareholder of Austevoll Seafood ASA. Helge Singelstad owns no shares or options in Lerøy Seafood Group ASA as of 31 December 2020, but as a shareholder in Austevoll Seafood ASA he indirectly owns shares in the Group.

Board member Britt Kathrine Drivenes (1963)
was elected to the Board by the annual general meeting on 20 May 2008. Britt Kathrine Drivenes holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from the Norwegian School of Management (BI) and a Master of Business Administration in Strategic Management from the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH). She is the CFO of Austevoll Seafood ASA and is also a board member in a number of companies. She indirectly owns shares in Lerøy Seafood Group ASA as a shareholder in Austevoll Seafood ASA.

Board member Siri Lill Mannes (1970)
was elected to the Board by the annual general meeting on 23 May 2018. She has studied history at second degree level, Russian at intermediate level and Russian-Soviet studies at one-year foundation level. She has also completed the Armed Forces’ course in Russian (officer's training school) and studies in political science in Georgia, USA (1-year grant from Rotary). Siri Lill Mannes has an extensive background from journalism, has worked as a TV host and entrepreneur. She started working for TV2 when the TV channel was founded in 1992. Since 2010, she has been the Director of the communications company SpeakLab AS, where she is also a partner and founder. Siri Lill Mannes owns no shares in the company at 31 December 2020.

Board member Karoline Møgster (1980)
was elected to the Board by the annual general meeting on 23 May 2017. Karoline Møgster has a law degree from the University of Bergen (Candidata juris). She also has a Masters’ degree in accounting and auditing (MRR) from the Norwegian School of Economics. She has worked as a lawyer with Advokatfirmaet Thommessen AS and is now employed as a lawyer for the Møgster Group. She is a board member for Laco AS and has experience of board work from DOF ASA and other companies in the DOF Group. Karoline Møgster indirectly owns shares in Lerøy Seafood Group ASA as a shareholder of Laco AS.

Board member Hans Petter Vestre (1966)
was elected to the Board as the employees’ representative at the annual general meeting on 24 April 1995. Hans Petter Vestre is a graduate of the Norwegian College of Fishery, University of Tromsø. He was employed by Hallvard Lerøy AS as sales manager in 1992 and is today team leader in Lerøy Seafood AS. Hans Petter Vestre owned 1,200 shares in the company as of 31 December 2020.

Board member Didrik Munch (1956)
was elected to the Board by the annual general meeting on 23 May 2012. Didrik Munch has a degree in law from the University of Bergen and qualified as a police officer at the Norwegian Police University College in Oslo. He has worked in a number of positions within the Norwegian police force (1977-1986). From 1986 to 1997, he worked in finance, primarily in the DnB system. Towards the end of this period, he was part of DnB's corporate management, as Director for the Corporate Customer division. From 1997 to 2008, Didrik Munch was CEO of Bergens Tidende AS. He was the CEO of Schibsted Norge AS (former Media Norge AS) from 2008 to 2018, and is currently self- employed. Didrik Munch has sat on the boards of a number of companies, both as chairman and ordinary member. He is currently Chairman of the Board for Storebrand ASA, Solstrand Fjordhotell Holding AS and NWT Media AS, and a board member for Grieg Maritime Group AS. He owns no shares in the company as of 31 December 2020.

Board member Arne Møgster (1975)
was elected to the Board by the annual general meeting on 26 May 2009. Arne Møgster holds a Bachelor degree in Business Administration and an MSc in International Shipping. Arne Møgster is the CEO of Austevoll Seafood ASA and board member in a number of companies. As a shareholder in Laco AS, Arne Møgster indirectly owns shares in Lerøy Seafood Group ASA.

Board of Director’s statement regarding salary and other remuneration
The guidelines for 2020 have been followed by the company. These are enclosed. For the next financial year, 2021, new guidelines will be proposed to the annual general meeting in May 2021. The guidelines are recommended for the Board with the exception of the items related to options and other benefits based on shares or development in the share price in the Group, which are binding.

Main principles in the company's salary policy

The Group’s development is closely linked to the Group’s ability to recruit and retain managerial staff and the Group employs various models for remuneration of executive personnel on competitive terms. Executive personnel receive salary according to market terms. Remuneration varies over time both in respect of level and method of payment. In addition to the annual salary, the Group also pays performance-based bonuses limited to one year's salary, lump sum payments, sign-on fees, arranged leave of absence, educational opportunities and option agreements. The Group does not currently have an option programme. The Group has collective pension plans.

For logical reasons and to date, the Chairman of the Board has handled all practical matters in respect of agreements with the Group CEO on behalf of the Board. Remuneration of other members of the corporate management is determined by the CEO in consultation with the Chairman of the Board.

Remuneration is reviewed annually, but on a long-term perspective, ref. the requirement for continuity.

Principles for compensation in addition to base salary

Starting point: base salary
Salaries for executive personnel shall be competitive. Lerøy Seafood Group ASA aims to attract and retain the most talented management.
The base salary is normally the main element of executive personnel salaries. There is at present no particular limit on the total compensation a senior staff member may earn.

Additional remuneration: Bonus scheme
The salary earned by executive personnel must inspire high performance and must be structured to motivate extra efforts towards continuous improvement of operations and the company’s performance. The Group utilises performance- based bonuses of maximum one year's salary.

The Group does not currently have an option programme.

Pension schemes
All companies in the Group satisfy the requirements in the Act relating to mandatory occupational pensions (Norwegian:OTP). At the time of writing, the Group only practises defined contribution pension plans.
The Group’s executive personnel participate in the company’s collective pension plans.

Severance pay
The Board limits the use of so-called severance pay agreements, but these have been practised in a few cases, albeit limited to two years’ salary. Severance pay may at times be a good alternative for all parties involved.

Lerøy aims to attract and retain the most talented management

Non-pecuniary benefits
Executive personnel will normally receive non-pecuniary benefits commensurate with their positions. There are no particular limitations on the type of non-pecuniary benefits that can be agreed.

Other benefits
In connection with public share issues, the first of which took place in 1998, the company’s employees have been granted the right to subscribe to a limited number of shares at a discounted price (20%).

Procedure for stipulation of senior executive salaries

Please see the note to the financial statements for information on remuneration of individual executive personnel.

Stipulation of salary for Group CEO
Remuneration of the Group CEO is determined annually by the Chairman of the Board according to a mandate issued by the Board.

Stipulation of salary for the corporate management group
Remuneration of the individual members of the corporate management group is determined by the CEO in consultation with the Chairman of the Board. The Board of Directors shall be subsequently informed of the decision.

Establishment of incentive schemes
General schemes for payment of variable benefits, including bonus schemes, are established by the Board of Directors. The Group CEO allocates such incentive schemes and other benefits to the Group’s executive personnel within the boundaries established by the Board.

Remuneration of the Board of Directors
Board remuneration is not performance based. The Board members have no options. The Board’s remuneration is
determined annually by the annual general meeting.

Stipulation of salary for executive personnel in other Group companies
Other companies in Lerøy Seafood Group shall adhere to the main principles in the Group’s executive personnel salary policy as they are described in item one above.

Board of Director’s statement on Lerøy’s strategic framework

Lerøy’s strategic framework

Our values – open, honest, responsible and creative – shall represent the very foundations for our decisions and actions. Lerøy maintains a very strong focus on the customer. We succeed when our customers succeed. It is our goal to help our customers succeed in terms of sustainable growth and an integrated, efficient and innovative value chain. If we are to achieve this goal, we will need access to human resources and organisation (knowledge) and capital. Our goal over the next three to five years is to create the world’s most efficient and sustainable value chain for seafood. The elements in our strategic framework are described in more detail below.

The ultimate goal: We succeed when our customers succeed
If we are to achieve our vision, we must continue to develop to achieve a position as a preferred supplier of seafood on a global scale. Our customers aim for growth and increased market shares by offering competitive solutions with focus on cost and quality, innovation, security of supply and food safety. We need to understand the needs of our customers, and our value chain must be built upon competitive processes that ensure success for our customers. Feedback from customers represents opportunities for improvement.

Strategic goals/objectives: An efficient and sustainable value chain
The seafood business has a long history and has developed into a global industry, but remains very fragmented with complex value chains, which at times are not compatible with the requirements made by the Customer on, e.g., food safety, traceability, sustainability, stability and efficiency.

Lerøy has therefore focused on achieving growth by means of securing access to raw materials that are fully traceable and governable. Lerøy's value chain comprises a large product range and allows for development of activities and products to increase customer satisfaction and willingness to pay, which in turn helps our customers gain new market shares.

Lerøy believes that values are created in value chains and in businesses in value chains that form a network and competitive processes for their customers. Lerøy's goal is to create the world’s most efficient and sustainable value chain for seafood. This must be the result of development of long-term customer relationships and an in-depth understanding of the customer's requirements; continuous improvement of the processes in the Group's own value chain, and development of binding alliances with suppliers.

Beyond successful customers, the table below shows key KPI's for the group in moving toward the world's most efficent and sustainable valuechain for seafood. The fundamental principles in the method utilised to achieve our goals are continuous work on achieving optimal flow of goods to the customer and optimal flow of information from the customer, by means of continuous improvement. This requires a decentralised organisation that is able to solve problems where and when they emerge, but also a Group that has the capacity to distribute information from the customers back to the value chain, so that all parties are aware of the challenges to be solved. Problem-solving shall be based on facts.

Strategic goals/objectives: Sustainable growth
Our customers aim to achieve growth, and our vision is dependent upon growth. Lerøy works hard to ensure that growth for the Group has been and shall remain sustainable. Sustainability is defined according to a holistic perspective that includes economic, environmental and social sustainability. All these areas are essential for our existence and competitive strength.

Social sustainability is a prerequisite to gain the support of society at large and competitive access to the Group's most important resource, people. Environmental sustainability is a prerequisite for the perpetuality perspective upon which the Group's operations are based. Economic sustainability is a premise for access to capital. These are not new requirements and expectations, and Lerøy has focused on these throughout the Group's history, but in recent years, the requirements made by the various stakeholders are increasingly coinciding. This gives rise to an accelerated rate of development, for which Lerøy is well prepared.

Historically, Lerøy’s growth has been sustainable, and will continue to be so. The Group has developed a number of KPIs within the different areas relating to sustainability, and will focus on these moving forward.

Lerøy aims to sustain its rate of organic growth via acquisitions, development of alliances and partnerships, and shall play an active role in the consolidation of the seafood industry.

If the Group is to successfully achieve its vision and develop the world's most efficient and sustainable value chain, it requires access to knowledge (human resources, organisation and methods) and capital.

Prerequisites for fulfilling our goals: Human resources and organisation
Lerøy's employees are the most important resource for the Group. Lerøy shall be a recognised and attractive employer, with the capacity to attract employees with the appropriate competencies, succeeding in building an organisation where employees are happy and work together to meet our customers’ needs. Lerøy has a clearly defined HR strategy focusing on recruitment, retaining and developing the right employees.

Lerøy shall also focus on strengthening the role of manager in the Group. Our leadership culture shall feature involvement and cooperation, where the individual manager is expected to take responsibility for getting the best out of their employees in order to ensure continuous development. The interaction between Lerøy's employees and partners shall help create the most efficient and innovative value chain for seafood. Our competitive strengths depend on our ability to continue to develop the organisation in every part of the value chain.

In order to ensure good interaction throughout the value chain, it is important to create and develop an organisation that is willing both to learn and change. Lerøy has a governance model that entails a substantial level of local decision-making authority. Decentralised governance requires an organisation hungry for new knowledge in the work to achieve a lasting competitive edge, but also an organisation that can share best practice across all parts of the value chain.

Prerequisites for fulfilling our goals: Capital
The confidence of the capital markets and access to capital have been and remain an essential prerequisite for the Group's existence and growth. The Group's financial strength and financing structure shall be adapted to its operations and framework conditions.
The Group operates in an industry that has historically been highly cyclical, and requires a rate of capitalisation and a business model that reflect this. This cyclical nature can be challenging, but has afforded and will continue to afford substantial opportunities in the future. The Group's financial position will therefore typically be very strong during good periods, coupled with a strategy to exploit this position for acquisitions, preferably during more challenging times.

In relation to acquisitions, it is essential to monitor developments on the seafood markets, including the customers’ requirements and expectations in terms of future developments, along with in-depth knowledge of the acquisition object. The Group has achieved growth by means of a number of acquisitions. Moving forward, the Group shall continue to maintain the knowledge required to carry out such acquisitions with an appropriate risk profile and returns.

The Group’s long-term goal for earnings is to maintain an annual return on the Group’s average capital employed of 18% before tax.

Lerøy's history is a demonstration of the Group's strategy in practice.
Today, Lerøy Seafood Group ASA is a fully integrated company with control of the entire value chain from egg or catches to end product delivered to the consumer, and this is essential if we are to build the world’s most efficient and sustainable value chain for seafood.

This has not always been the case, but Lerøy has remained very loyal to its strategy. Over the past 20 years, Lerøy has grown from a family-run Norwegian wholesaler/exporter to a fully integrated international seafood supplier. This growth would not have been possible without professio- nalisation, organisational development and access to capital once the company was listed on the Stock Exchange in June 2002.

The Group has developed a strong base of resources via acquisitions, developing alliances and strong relationships with suppliers. Such access to raw materials, coupled with the development of downstream operations, has allowed the Group to develop customer relationships that are increasingly strategic, thanks to the Group's capacity to meet customer requirements.

This development would not have been viable without access to capital, clear evidence that Lerøy holds the confidence of players in the capital markets. This confidence has been and remains an important prerequisite for Lerøy's growth and development. Acquisitions have been a key part of the strategy, and new acquisitions are assessed on a continuous basis. The acquisition of Villa Organic in 2013 was the last major acquisition within redfish. The Group's largest acquisition to date took place in 2016, with the acquisition of Lerøy Havfisk and Lerøy Norway Seafoods. Downstream, the Group has carried out both start-ups and acquisitions, and currently has substantial processing capacity in locations close to the consumer.

Focus areas in 2020
Lerøy works continuously on the development of its own value chain, from raw material to end product. Lerøy reports within three segments.

Wild Catch Segment – focus on improving value chain efficiency
The Group's whitefish operations comprise fisheries and land-based facilities that work closely together. For a more detailed description, please refer to the business overview at

The Group's fisheries are currently very efficient. Historically, the Group's fleet has suffered at times from low profitability, but the Group has been able to invest in renewing and developing its fleet in recent years. The new vessels, Nordtind (delivered in 2018) and Kongsfjord (delivered in 2020), are effective within traditional fisheries and have increased efficiency for shrimp catches with the use of triple trawls. Kongsfjord represents a further development of the design for Nordtind, both vessels developed for catch management with fittings to ensure optimal quality and exploitation of the entire fish. Kongsfjord will provide further improvements to the quality of catches, and includes innovations that take Lerøy one step further in improving customer satisfaction. The new vessels have improved propulsion systems that help minimise CO2 and NOx emissions, areas in which we expect to see more stringent requirements in the future. The Group is closely monitoring developments in propulsion systems.

For many years now, the Norwegian land-based industry for whitefish has struggled with low profitability. Framework conditions for the land-based industry are challenging, partly driven by the seasonal fluctuations in raw material supply and partly the political, regulatory framework conditions that make it difficult to aggregate large volumes for industrial units, obstruct specialisation and investments in automation. A comprehensive effort is required to improve profitability in this industry, and the Group's strategy centres around three lines of action.

A. What to produce where?
How can we pave the way for new activity, preferably all year round, or initially target reduced seasonal fluctuations in relation to our historic operating model? Several factors may be players here, but increased specialisation will allow for investments and higher profitability. Examples of completed investments are a new production line for boiling and packaging king crab in Kjøllefjord, salted fish production in Rypefjord, the start-up of a new processed fish and filleting factory in Stamsund and substantial improvements to the facility in Melbu. A number of investments have also been made along with improvements in smaller facilities.

2020 was a difficult year, with the Group commissioning a number of facilities and with an extremely challenging market situation. There are clear signs of improvements at the start of 2021.

In summary, the overall objective for the land-based industry for whitefish is to ensure that production is less reliant on seasons, to introduce more standardised fillet production based on fresh, seasonal raw materials and frozen raw materials outside of the catch seasons. A more stable supply of raw materials to the industrial facilities will help boost productivity and provide an improved flow of goods to the factories close to the markets.

B. Stabilisation, continuous and gradual improvements
The second line of action is the systematic work to improve operations via continuous and gradual adjustments at each facility, in addition to improved flow of goods between different facilities in the value chain. To move this process and other similar work in other parts of the value chain forward, the Group has developed a new business system, the Lerøy Way. This is an important part of the Group's toolbox to ensure that we develop production methods, that afford the best possible interaction between production employees, increased exploitation of machinery and better raw material utilisation.

Implementation of Lerøy Way started in Melbu and Stamsund in 2018, with roll-out of the system continuing among the other land-based facilities in 2020. By the start of 2020, clear improvements were already evident in a number of facilities, but the market impact of the COVID-19 pandemic had a negative effect. Implementing Lerøy Way requires meticulous and time-consuming work, but the system gradually results in increased profitability, satisfied employees and safety improvements. The Group aims to continue working at the same rate on implementation in 2021.

C. A more efficient value chain for whitefish
The Group works continuously on forming closer links between the different whitefish businesses, together with Lerøy's growing downstream operations. Investments are also being made in replacing machinery and auxiliary systems with new, more modern production technology along with gradual upgrades to buildings to make the Group an even more competitive purchaser of whitefish from the coastal fleet. Last, but not least, investments are being made in improving expertise and product development.

Farming Segment – focus on growth and cost reductions per produced kilogram of salmon and trout
Up to and including 2019, the Group's harvest volume of salmon and trout has remained relatively stable since 2012, due to a lack of new licence capacity and challenges for Lerøy and the industry in adapting to new political regulations on lice, introduced in 2013. The Group has a major potential in increasing exploitation of its own licences. The Board of Directors acknowledges that the lack of growth, unsatisfactory utilisation of licences and related increase in costs are the main challenges for the Group's farming operations.

Thanks to our skilled employees and new technology, the Group has implemented major investments in recent years, some still ongoing, in order to provide a significant increase in the Group's post-smolt capacity. Investments in new smolt facilities, based on RAS technology (recirculating aquaculture systems), where the smolt are kept longer in the facility than with traditional smolt plants, have resulted in the supply of larger smolt that are more robust before they are released to the sea. The Board of Directors and management believe that these investments will generate growth, scale down the cost base and provide reductions for the Group's production on the cost side.

Large-scale investments in RAS technology for the Group started in 2012, and we have developed significant expertise and capacity with this type of production. In 2020, the final stage of the development in Laksefjord (North Norway) was completed. Stage 2 of the development work in Belsvik (Lerøy Midt) is the final stage of the smolt investment programme initiated prior to 2016 (Central Norway), and is now completed. With these investments, the Group has gradually developed a substantial knowledge base within RAS technology, but acknowledges that this technology is still somewhat new and requires new operating methods and implies risk. It is nonetheless rewarding to see that these investments, combined with a high number of other measures, allowed the Group to report a record high volume of production in the sea in 2020. The Group remains loyal to its ambition to continue to increase the rate of utilisation of its licence capacity, and expects to see an increase in production in the years to come.

Notwithstanding development of existing operations, a high rate of return over time provides incentives for investments in new technology and regions. Lerøy has chosen not to invest in new regions as these tend to be more costly and the Group is confident that the return on post-smolt investments is higher. The Group is actively involved in new technology, such as land-based production of salmon and offshore fish farming.

The RAS technology in which the Group has invested both knowledge and capital in recent years is the same as that used for land-based production of fish. In a move to further develop this expertise, the Group is now in the final stages of assessing a further extension to the facility in Fitjar for post-smolt capacity, but which can also be utilised for testing land-based production of fish. The Group’s ambition is to achieve a position where they are able to invest in land- based technology on end markets, if this technology proves successful.

Lerøy is also involved in a number of concepts for closed production in the sea, including our own concept, Pipefarm.

The Group is also involved in various concepts for offshore salmon production, in close collaboration with potential suppliers, thus developing knowledge within this field.

VAP, Sales & Distribution segment
– an efficient value chain that creates innovation
As described in detail in the “Business overview”, ref. www., Lerøy sells most categories of seafood to an increasing number of global markets. Over the past decade, there has been a particular focus on developing a more efficient value chain for distribution of seafood by building a number of distribution centres in a higher number of central seafood markets. These centres are secured a supply of raw materials via local sourcing and raw materials in the form of fillets produced at the Group’s facilities in Norway. Having facilities close to the markets allows the Group to provide a high level of service, extensive interaction and innovation with customers on each specific market. The Group is also gradually building up capacity for sushi and so-called “ready-to-eat meals”.

In 2020, the Group has witnessed significant changes in the way in which end consumers purchase food. Sales channels within the hotel, restaurant and catering market have seen a substantial reduction in sales, while retail sales have increased. The Group has benefited greatly from its strong position in relation to key grocery markets in Europe, and the value of having long-term customer relationships has once again been validated in 2020.

The Group has recently made a number of decisions relating to sustainability, with one example being the launch of “Lerøy SalmonTM” certification at the start of 2021. To achieve this certification, the entire value chain has to be audited by a third party. Salmon with this certificate has a higher Omega 3 content than the Norwegian industrial standard, zero use of antibiotics, zero accidental release and full traceability. This is one example of why Lerøy believes that an integrated value chain is the best way to meet the future requirements made by consumers.

At the start of 2021, Lerøy has unique access to raw materials via their Farming operations, and from catches and purchases from third parties. Access to raw materials, in combination with the Group's processing plants in Norway and factories worldwide in close proximity to the markets, represent a strong platform for continued commercial development with strategic customers. The Group’s investments in this part of the value chain are expected to produce an increase in activities, a more robust business model and improved earnings. In 2021, the Group aims to achieve further progress towards reaching the vision of being the most efficient and sustainable value chain for seafood.

The Group – key focus areas

Lerøy shall continue to have a decentralised organisation, In order to ensure the most efficient flow of goods possible to the customer and flow of information from the customer, however, the Group intends to implement some initiatives centrally. Key focus areas include:

HR strategy 2020-2025
As an employer, Lerøy is responsible for developing and retaining human resources in the organisation, and for attracting and recruiting employees with the appropriate competencies required to solve future challenges. The Group's HR strategy for 2020-2025 shall support Lerøy's vision and values, and facilitate a learning and dynamic organisation well-equipped to be the leading and most profitable global supplier of sustainable, high-quality seafood.

Strategic prioritisation within HR involves making choices that help move both people and the organisation in the right direction towards achieving principal, strategic, commercial goals. The HR strategy is developed to support the ambition of having “One Lerøy” and, on this basis, has five defined strategic focus areas for HR: attractive employer, leadership and leadership development, employee development, organisational development as well as standardisation and digital tools.

The Group initiated leadership development training programmes at different levels in 2020, providing employees from different parts of the Group with the opportunity to meet and become familiar with the implications of working as a manager at Lerøy. This was a popular new move within the organisation, and the process will continue in 2021.

“Lerøy Way”
Over the past four years, the Group has developed a “business system” or principles for how to improve together. Lerøy's ultimate goal is satisfied customers. Based on the Group's values, defined fundamental principles and methods relating to people, machinery/technology and processes, Lerøy Way is a toolbox used to ensure continuous improvement. Lerøy Way has now been implemented in a number of the Group's operations, particularly in our factories, where empirical data have shown that the method works. Implementation will continue in 2021, including in the Group's farming operations.