Lerøy Seafood Group has various stakeholders and communicates with these via meetings, annual reports, environmental reports, GRI reports, CDP reports, communication in the media, announcements, registrations, public reporting, joint projects,  partnership agreements, the stock exchange, websites etc.

Good communication with stakeholders is important in our daily work. In a new process, we analyse our stakeholders on the basis of their influence on our organisation. This helps us to identify how to engage them more effectively and, more importantly, ensures shared value on both sides of the table.


  • Acceptance of topics chosen
  • Different perspectives on impacts
  • Problem identification
  • External impression
  • Knowledge

Lerøy's values ​​are open, honest, responsible and creative, and it is very important for us to have a good and open dialogue with all our stakeholders. In this way, Lerøy gets knowledge of which areas our stakeholders are concerned about, Lerøy get the possibility to communicate how we work within the different areas.

In new processes, we work actively to include relevant stakeholders so that we can ensure value creation for all parties. Through a smooth and good dialogue, we work together on improvements within individual areas and also strengthen the competence in the individual company. Stakeholder dialogue is important and helps us to lift Lerøy further on our path to becoming the most sustainable supplier of quality seafood.

Through our daily activities, we believe we have a good overview of what our most important stakeholders are concerned with. The various stakeholders are selected on the basis of the impact they have on our business and on the basis of the impact Lerøy has on the stakeholders in finance, society and the environment.

In order to meet the various stakeholders' reporting requirements, we have implemented indicators for the various areas. These are referred to in the company's GRI table.