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SUSTAINABILITY LIBRARY 2022 Business ethics Whistleblowing


Lerøy is committed to cooperate in the remediation of negative impacts. One of the mechanisms to ensure this is whistleblowing. 


Internal whistleblowing channel: 

The Group has established an (anonymous) whistleblowing channel to ensure that there is a low-threshold reporting arena for anonymous reporting, making sure that those reluctant to speak up also have an opportunity to express their concerns.

The Group guarantees that the reporting person can remain anonymous, and that all data is processed and stored in an encrypted way and that the person who has submitted the report (the employee or worker) is protected against reprisals. 

The reported whistleblowing cases are initially handled by an independent third party – consulting firm Ernst & Young. All employees reporting concerns shall receive feedback regarding their report no later than 14 days after submitting the whistleblower report. 

Lerøy has established a Whistleblowing Committee which consists of representatives from different departments of the company. The Committee coordinates case handling as well as ensures that necessary measures regarding cases are implemented. 

All cases are registered, investigated and handled according to the Group’s Whistleblowing policy and internal routines. The investigation shall include all parties involved. 

How different cases are handled and followed up will depend on the type of case, scope and degree of its seriousness. Various matters will be followed up with resources such as the local management, the COO for the particular segment the CEO or in special cases - the Board. Notification matters are reported to Group management team and the Board. 

 Internal whistleblowing cases in 2023: 9

Total number of internal whistleblowing cases 


Workplace harassment cases 


Sexual harassment cases 


Cases related to breach of Code of Conduct/ Policies 


8 cases are completed. 

1 case is still being investigated. 

All of the cases (9) have been communicated to the Board. 


The Group is working continuously to improve the current situation regarding various whistleblowing cases by conducting manager training (as a part of Lerøy Leadership Program), further developing the Leadership handbook as well as professional gatherings. The HR department is also providing guidance and support to help identify and handle cases.  

All employees and workers receive regular information regarding the Business Code of Conduct, values as well as regular training on our policies and routines. 

Grievance Mechanisms

External whistleblowing Channel

The Group has established a digital channel for whistleblowing, for all our stakeholders or other external persons who wish to contact the Group, or report a matter of concern.  

They can contact the Group through the Group's web pages, via the link below, which directs them to an external whistleblowing channel. 

External Whistleblowing cases are initially processed by an independent third party and further follow-up is coordinated by the Group's local whistleblowing committee. 

It is also possible to contact the Group via its website using the same address to report other matters, complaints or ask questions. 

Both external whistleblowing channel and the contact form are available to all interested parties. If they wish to give their feedback regarding available grievance mechanisms, the same contact form on the company’s website can be used. 

Effectiveness of both external and internal grievance mechanisms is measured on regular basis. All reported cases are handled according to relevant procedures. Necessary changes and updates are made continuously. 

External whistleblowing cases in 2022 

Total number of external whistleblowing cases 


Cases related to Norwegian Transparency act


Number of neighbour complaints