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SUSTAINABILITY LIBRARY 2022 Local value creation Local value creation

Local value creation

The Group seek to maximize the use of local suppliers, work force and producers where we operate and to generate sustainable economic value.

The Group seek to maximize the use of local suppliers, work force and producers where we operate and to generate sustainable economic value. 

The Group is a corporation involved in global business and working relationships with suppliers and subcontractors worldwide. In 2022, the Group had more than 5 000 suppliers in Norway alone.


Purchasing in Norway in 2022 also involved more than 299 different municipalities. Total purchasing in Norway, excluding intragroup, amounted to NOK 18,9 billion. 

Value creation 2022

Revenue: 26 645 877 (1 000 NOK)

Pre-tax profit: 2 966 803 (1 000 NOK)


Purchasing, excl. intragroup, in Norway:  NOK 18,9 billion

These are distributed as follows:

Purchasing, incl. intragroup, in Norway:  NOK 35,95 billion

Purchasing in Norway from 5 167 different suppliers

Purchasing from suppliers in Norway in 299 different municipalities

Tax payments by employees in Norway: more than NOK 610 million

Tax payments from the company: NOK 527 million

3 593 full-time equivalents in Norway

NOK 1 138 million paid by the Group and its employees in Norway in taxes and duties

1 080 places in nursing homes and 6 389 children in municipal kindergartens

The group operates in seven counties across Norway and in 13 different countries

Even more, we are an important part of local communities along the Norwegian coast. In many places, we are the cornerstone of the community and one of the most important employers. That leaves us with a great responsibility. Our legitimacy depends on our relationship with the local communities. To secure a good relationship with both the local citizens and the local authorities is vital for the company. 

We are trying to create optimal ripple effects from our operations. In addition to creating necessary jobs, we purchase a high percentage of our goods and services locally. We are actively sponsoring local organisations, festivals and so on. These sponsorships are not to attract media attention but are a way of giving back to the communities. 

As part of several of our certification schemes for our fish farms, we regularly have dialogue and information meetings with local communities where we have our farming activities.