Empower our people

Occupational health and safety

The Group maintains a strong focus on procedures and compliance with these. Measures to protect all employees are vital. This is a perpetual process moving us forward to our vision of zero injuries.

The Group has developed its own nonconformance reporting system where all injuries, near misses and accidents are recorded and followed up with a root cause analysis.

The Group uses these results to improve and to prevent injuries from re-occurring as well as highlight areas that require further attention . One of the most important things for us is to record near misses so we can prevent injuries from occurring.

We aim to have zero workplace injuries and will never compromise on our employees’ safety.

Safety observations


No one wants anyone to get hurt or get sick in the workplace. It is necessary to have an overview of the risks that the business activities entail, and take actions to prevent someone from getting hurt or getting sick.

HSE procedures and risk analyses are essential and allow us to organize our work so we can prevent as many work-related injuries as possible.

Number of injuries resulting in absence is 123
Number of injuries without absence is 144
Near accidents number in 2022 is 680


We work within a number of HSE-related areas:

  • Training and information
  • Good ergonomics in the workplace
  • Rolling work operations
  • Occupational health
  • Various forms of organized training
  • Preventive work
  • Risk analysis

Lerøy has a high focus on reducing sickness absence and works actively to prevent absence due to illness.

Percentage of companies with working environment committee with employee representatives (%) 83.

Risk assessment is completed in relation to risk of employees developing antibiotic resistance.

Sick leave numbers



Lost time injury rate is calculated using the following formula:

((Number of injuries resulting in absence form work) + (Number of injuries without absence from work)) x 1 000 000/ total number of working hours in the respective period


Fatal accidents

An occupational fatality is a death that occurs while a person is at work or performing work-related tasks.

Fatal accidents


Category 2021 2020 2019
Total recordable incident rate (Lost time Incidents) and injury rate development* 33,25 36,48 31,18
Occupational fatalities 1 0 1


*The calculation includes injuries both resulting and not resulting in absence from work.