In recent years, Lerøy Seafood Group has targeted the sale of its own brand products under the Lerøy brand.
In 2018, the percentage of products based on raw materials owned by the Group was 68.1%.
The Group also sells a number of products certified to various sustainability standards, such as ASC, MSC, GLOBALG.A.P. and Debio/KRAV. The volume of certified fish sold is higher than the volume that carries a certification label because the current production volume exceeds market demand for these products. The demand for certified products has increased from 2017 to 2018.
Lerøy Seafood Group works hard to achieve the highest possible rate of utilisation of raw materials produced or caught.
This implies a goal of 100% utilisation of all nutritious raw material not used in the main production process. The Group has initiated a new project called The 50/50-5 project that is focusing on reducing food waste. Within the next five years, we shall increase the edible share of current food waste by 50%. Read more about this project in the chapter on environmental impact.
The by-product share depends on the type and specification of the processed products. The most important processed products are fillets, and salmon and trout portions with or without skin. The utilisation rate for fillets is 55–74%, while the residual products become by-products. For portions, the utilisation rate is 45–68% depending on the specification.
Our focus is to utilze all of the fish for human consumption.
The major by-products in Lerøy Seafood Group’s operations are:
The product sold from Norway have MSC certfificate, but they are not labelled as MSC or sold as MSC products.