Empower our people

Attractive and meaningful jobs

We uphold internationally recognized labor rights and are committed to providing meaningful and attractive jobs with fair compensation.

The Group aims to be an enterprise with local roots in the areas where we operate, thereby contributing to all local communities.

Lerøy’s culture is based on our values: Honest, Open, Responsible and Creative. The Group strive to create an including and engaging work environment built on collaboration, learning and continuous development.

Our goal is to be a recognized and attractive employer in the seafood industry, recruiting people with the right competencies, skills and values.

Our employees

The Group’s goal is to be an attractive employer for both existing and potential employees.

Our values: Honest, Open, Responsible and Creative represent the foundations for all the work we do. Therefore, it is important that our employees live and identify with our values, and represent the Group as good ambassadors.

One of our main focus areas is to develop an inclusive and engaging work environment. Within the Group, we strive to build a culture of pride and openness  through collaboration and learning across our fully integrated value chain. To measure this, we run an annual employee survey in collaboration with Great Place to Work.

In the future, we will continue to build our One Lerøy culture focusing on continuous  development and improvement.

Fair working conditions

The Group’s commitment to promote fair working conditions, prohibit child labor, any kind of discrimination, promoting fair wages as well as prohibiting abuse and inhumane treatment both internally and with our supplier’s is expressed in our Human rights policy and Business Code of Conduct.

The company has recently initiated a project the aim of which is to check and verify if the Group’s suppliers adhere to Lerøy’s Business Code of Conduct and investigate whether they have established necessary measures and practices to support and maintain fair working conditions.

Suppliers have been categorized and risk-assed in order to identify those who carry the greatest risk regarding potential breaches of the Code. Those carrying the greatest risk undergo an electronic assessment during which they have to provide a detailed explanation and description of  their governance practices, external certifications, IT & cybersecurity measures, supply chain management, sustainability practices, occupational health and safety management, fair working conditions as well as information on other relevant supplier specific assessment criteria.

Those suppliers which score below a certain score are required to implement corrective actions in order to fulfill the requirements stated in Lerøy’s Business Code of Conduct. They are being followed-up by the company to ensure that the corrective actions are implemented and that they have established necessary measures to satisfy Lerøy’s requirements.


Fair compensation

The Group complies with the laws applicable in the different countries in which we operate. Our compensation policy means that no employee is paid less than the official national minimum wage.

All our employees have employment contracts in which compensation is specified. Our personnel system and the presence of labour unions ensure that all employees are compensated fairly.

Freedom of association

All our employees are free to organize themselves in unions of their choice, including the right to engage in collective bargaining. The Group keeps a close dialogue with employee representatives, as well as maintaining an active cooperation between the company and employees/trade unions.


Policy:  Human rights
Policy: Diversity and inclusion
Policy:  Whistleblowing

Code of conduct


  2020 2019
Employees covered by collective bargaining agreements in Norway % 73 77
Employees covered by collective bargaining agreements abroad % 61 54,3


    2020 2019 2018
Percentage of employees with occupational injury insurance (%)   100 100 100
Members of trade unions (number)   1,635 - -
Percentage of employees covered by collective wage agreement (%)        
  Norway 73.00 77.00 -
  Int. 61.00 54.3 -
Response rate to employee survey from GPTW, Great Place To Work (%)   86 82 -