Lerøy supports and respects the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights and will not be complicit in human rights abuses.

The Group has developed a Human rights policy which is approved at the most senior level of the enterprise.  The policy is publicly available and communicated internally and externally  to all interested parties.

The policy is supplemented by The Groups Business Code of Conduct which stipulates the company’s expectations regarding human rights to own personnel and our suppliers.

The company will actively contribute to creation and maintenance of an environment that treats employees and workers with dignity and respect, seek ways to prevent or mitigate adverse human rights impacts and address such impacts when they occur.

Lerøy is a member of UN Global Compact, Norway, and are working for human rights through our daily business. 

Independent of the demand for equal opportunities for men and women, the Group has always placed decisive emphasis on individual skills, performance and responsibility in its recruitment policy and salary systems. Furthermore, the Group seeks at all times to ensures equal employment opportunities and rights for all employees, and works hard to prevent discrimination based on national origin, ethnicity, color, language, religion or personal philosophy.

One of the company’s goals is to provide a workplace without discrimination because of disabilities. For employees or work applicants with disabilities, the company will arrange for individually adapted workplaces and work tasks where possible.

The company is an actor in a global industry and the company’s working environment changes continuously. This requires flexible employees who are dynamic and willing to learn.